Unpaid Labor Honors 12 Generations of African American Contribution to the USA.
Recently, Unpaid Labor wrote an article to express the historic truth “Without BLACK there would be no RED, WHITE and BLUE™”. Now, we are writing to express the current truth that “Without ACKNOWLEDGEMENT there can be no HEALING™.” These statements go together. Together they express the essence of the Unpaid Labor project. That is to make the unique CONTRIBUTION of Unpaid Labor to the birth, growth and survival of America known. That is to HONOR the people by ACKNOWLEDGING their CONTRIBUTION. That is to use the history to help in HEALING the divisions that exist in our country because of racial slavery. That is to give Hope, Honor, Dignity and Standing to Black people. That is to change the twisted thinking of all Americans about themselves, other Americans, and our country.
Unpaid Labor Contribution is powerful! It’s powerful because it’s an idea whose time has come. It’s powerful because it is positive. It’s powerful because it does not require winners and losers. It’s powerful because it does not require the placing of blame. It’s powerful because it does not require a fight or flight response. It’s powerful because it’s true! It’s powerful because it provides a place for acknowledgement and healing.
Join us in the campaign to get the word out. Join us in Honoring the people. Join us in telling the story of Contribution. Join us in helping to reveal the truth of America’s history for the benefit of all.